The cloud-based security industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, and VirtuCrypt is no exception, having seen a significant rise in demand for cloud encryption and key management services throughout 2017. Much of this growth has been in the VirtuCrypt Enterprise service suite, its full-service, customized encryption solution. A primary driver of this growth continues to be the constantly growing demand for hardened cloud services, both as a standalone environment and in hybrid deployments with existing on-premises cryptographic infrastructure.
As data breaches become more high-profile and security consciousness continues to rise in all industries, more and more organizations are looking to address security concerns and compliance requirements through encryption and key management.
Capital and operational costs for large organizations deploying on-premises encryption and key management infrastructure can be staggering. Rather than maintaining multiple separate infrastructures, each managed by teams with different priorities, Tier-1 organizations have been moving toward a new model: the centralized cryptographic resource pool. Under this model, organizations maintain consistency across the enterprise and share resources, all while preserving data segregation, integrity, and scalability. Now, with the ability to extend this concept to the cloud, a new wave of operational efficiency, functionality expansion, and increased security has arrived.
The increase in demand for Crypto as a Service (CaaS) has led to the growing transition of data security from being a solely on-premises responsibility to one of hybrid deployments, which VirtuCrypt is well-suited to provide.
- Proven experience providing cloud and on-premises hybrid offerings for large, Tier-1 organizations
- Rapid deployment for both production and test environments
- On-the-fly scalability to handle the most demanding throughput needs
- Fulfillment of rigorous standards to reduce our customers' scope and cost of regulatory compliance, both in the financial and general purpose market
- Custom initiatives and development, with a 100% project success rate
Building a cryptographic resource pool, whether on-premises or in the cloud, takes expertise. For that reason, VirtuCrypt’s Solutions Architects are available to help design, deploy, and manage enterprise cryptographic environments. As technology becomes more complex and attack vectors increase in frequency and sophistication, it will grow even more critical that large organizations rely on trusted providers of versatile applications, backed by hardened cryptographic appliances, to protect their most sensitive data.